mother cat brings her sick kitten to the hospital

Mother Cat Takes Her Sick Kitten to the Hospital All by Herself

Doctors rushed to help a kitten that was brought into their hospital by none other than the mother cat...
a kitten tears through toilet paper

What Your Cat’s ‘Bad Behavior’ Actually Means, According to New Study

Has your cat been especially naughty lately, or exhibiting bad behavior? A new study has discovered a possible reason...
bride throws cat toy instead of flowers

Bride Throws Cat Instead of Flowers at Her Wedding for a Good Cause

When this bride decided to get married, she didn't want to do it the old-fashioned way. Why throw flowers...
rusty-spotted wild cat kitten

World’s Smallest Wild Cat Kittens Born in UK Sanctuary

Prepare to have your mind blown with how incredibly adorable this pair of super-rare wild kittens are! They were...
a tiger at the Bronx Zoo

Tiger Tests Positive for Coronavirus–First Animal in the US to Become Infected

A four-year-old tiger named Nadia is now believed to be the first-ever animal in the United States to become...
black cat friday the 13th superstition fun facts about cats

Friday the 13th Black Cat Fun Facts and Other Cat Superstitions

Black cats have a really bad reputation, and it doesn't help that the idea of a black cat and...
a person presses the middle of a cute kittens paws exposing cat claws

Pet Owners Taught How to Live with Clawed Cats by Local Veterinary Clinic

After declawing cats was prohibited by a recent bill passed in Michigan, a local vet clinic is stepping up...
cat rubs his head on owner

9 Odd Things Cat Owners Do That You’re Probably Guilty Of

Listen up, cat owners, myself included. I think we've all been guilty of at least some of the things...
a sick kitty lays on a pink blanket

No, Your Cat Can’t Catch Coronavirus–At Least, Not THAT One

We recently covered a story where a dog tested positive for coronavirus, and it left many pet owners wondering...
an orange cat meows with a black background

Does Your Cat Know Its Own Name? Here’s What Research Says

I don't know about you, but my own cats are really good at ignoring me when I call their...
poodle cats cats with fluffy curls are shown side by side

Poodle Cats Exist and Now Everyone Wants One

If you've never heard of poodle cats before, be warned: you're going to love them and you're going to...
cat wearing coronavirus mask

Pet Dog Tests Positive for Coronavirus, Can Cats Catch Coronavirus Too?

A government press release from Hong Kong has confirmed that a pet dog tested positive for the coronavirus. This...
cat listening to music on headphones

Calming Music for Cats Helps Ease Cat Anxiety, Says Scientists

If your cat is especially skittish or could use some calming in certain situations–like going to the veterinarian, playing...
Juice Rex new cat allergy vaccine

New Cat Allergy Vaccine Requires that Cats Get the Shot – Why Are People...

Why would people be upset about a new cat allergy vaccine?  While it sounds nice, the issue they're having...
cat turned off owners alarm

Cat Caught Turning Off Owner’s Alarm Each Morning, Hilarious Video Proof!

Joaquim the kitty has some splainin' to do!  His owner kept wondering why her alarm wasn't going off in...
WKBN27 YouTube woman goes to jail for feeding stray cats feat

Woman Sent to Jail for Feeding Her Beloved Stray Cats, Fined $2000

A 79-year-old lady was sentenced to jail for ten days for trying to take care of her only real...

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