I know what I’m going to try making later today – CAT SHAPED PIZZA! (Oh yes, they’re in this post.) I’m thinking some of these ideas might actually entice my three year old to actually EAT something besides peanut butter sandwiches and crackers.
Check out these super cute kitty shaped food ideas, and be sure to let me know if you end up trying any!
Kitty Cream Puffs
Credit: Nekozane Coffee (Japanese site)
Rice Kitty, anyone?
Credit: Found Here
Aren’t these kitty cookies just darling?!
Credit: Found Here
Here they are! KITTY PIZZAS!!!
I’m soooo making these tonight. I have the Samurai Pizza Cats theme song stuck in my head now too.
Credit: Found on Epicute, but the domain seems to no longer exist?
The best way to end this post… with dessert!
Credit: Tumblr