
How To Find Hidden Cats – Silly Comic on How to Find Cats!

Somehow I think cat owners already know about these little hidden methods on how to find cats that insist...

Why You Should Bring Your Pets Indoors!

FFS. If it is cold too cold outside for you, it is too cold outside for them too!...

3am Cat Power Yodeling

This is my cat meowing in the morning at precisely 3am.  He does this every. Single. Day. Without. Fail. Does...

When My Cat Has to POOP…

When my cat has to poop, for some reason he thinks the entire WORLD needs to know.  Is anyone...
find the dog in the cat butts

Find the Pup Hidden in the Kitty Butts – Can You Find the Dog...

We've carefully hidden a little pup in a sea of hundreds of kitty butts! Do you think you can...

Tell Us a Funny Cat Story!

HEY. Want a chance to see your cat featured in a cartoon or article? Tell us a funny story...

My Cat Does This To Me Every. Single. Morning.

This pretty much sums it up.  

Happiness is…

Can you relate?

I Will Never Understand Why Cats Do this. Ever.

Do your cats do this too?  Gah!! Today's comic featured the handsome Mötley, owned by Laurie Ann Baldwin!  :)

Ways That Cats Help You Exercise and Keep Healthy! OMG!

Cats Help You Exercise Did you know that cats help you exercise and stay in good shape?  Here are examples...
Adobe Stock top 8 hypoallergenic cats feat

Top 8 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds, Ranked by Personality

I hear you like kitties, but can’t stand being around them so much?  Fear not, for we have compiled...

Luna Sees Aliens.

Melissa, thank you so much for submitting a silly story and a photo about your pretty Luna. :) If you...

Meet Silly Jilly!

Vikki, thank you so much for submitting a silly story and a photo about your adorable gal, Jilly. She...

Watch Me Nip, Nip…

Is this stuck in your head now? Hahahaha.
Adobe Stock what cats do on Sundays feat

What Cats Do On Sundays, a Poem… by a Cat

What do cats do on Sundays, when their owners go to pray? Do they sit and wait in sadness while...

A Sure Sign that it Snowed Overnight.

One great thing about owning multiple cats (or furry animals in general) is that you never have to worry...

How To Find a Missing Cat, the Comic Guide

If your cat ever goes missing, or if you have a cat that HAS gone missing - here are...

More Meows