How To Find a Missing Cat, the Comic Guide

If your cat ever goes missing, or if you have a cat that HAS gone missing – here are a few tips to help you get your kitty back safely in your arms.

Read on to find out exactly what to do.  This is intended to make you (hopefully) laugh, but it actually contains very true advice about some of the best steps you can take.

Good luck!


Cats are masters of stealth. You’ll need all of your wits to succeed in this mission.  But seriously, getting too upset can cause you to delay, and you really will need to act fast in this situation.


2. Second – Call your Local Animal Authorities!

  • Call your local shelters and report that your cat has gone missing, and give them all of the relevant details. You know, A/S/L.
  • Call your local pounds as well. We all know a few days is more than most pounds will give them. Time is crucial!
  • Call your local police department. People report found animals all the time. It wouldn’t hurt to mention donuts.



  • Get your tail-less arse outside and get dirty – get down on your cat’s level. Yes, pretend you are a cat.  Meow for me.  Yeah, that’s good.
  • CALL for your cat! Look, and LISTEN. The smallest sound could be your pet, but they might be too scared to let you know they’re there or to run into your arms like the old pals you think you are.
  • If you do find your cat, approach him slowly! Remember – he’s probably anxious, and you don’t want to give him reason to lose himself again.
  • Typically your cat is going to stay nearby. You know, because he’s scared. If your cat is both indoor AND outdoor, you might want to expand your search zone.
  • Look in places such as under the porch, drains, inside of a garage, pots, boxes, inside of a windsock – you name it. If they can fit in it, they’ll try to hide in it.
  • Unless they get hungry, they typically stay in the same place for safety reasons.
  • Don’t limit your search to daytime only! Also, search at night when kitty might mistake that quiet = safer to explore.  Plus cats like to think they are ninjas.  I guess they kind of are.

Gosh, there’s just too much to contain on one page. Hit next to continue your search!


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